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Cookie Policy

Stockroom.com operates a strict privacy policy. We are committed to being transparent about the technologies we use, and we’ve outlined below how we use cookies when you visit our site www.stockroom.com.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small snippet of text that a website asks your browser to store. All cookies have expiration dates in them that determine how long they stay in your browser. Cookies can be removed in two ways: automatically, when they expire, or when you manually delete them. We’ve included more details below to help you understand what kinds of cookies we use.

Does Stockroom.com use cookies?

Yes, with the primary purpose to make our website work more effectively.

What kinds of cookies does Stockroom.com use and why?

We use different kinds of cookies for various reasons:
Session cookies – these are temporary cookies that expire (and are automatically erased) whenever you close your browser. We use session cookies to grant access to content and things you have to log in to do.
Persistent cookies – these usually have an expiration date far into the future and thus stay in your browser until they expire, or until you manually delete them. We use persistent cookies for functionalities like remembering login details, which makes it possible for registered users to return to the site without having to log in. We also use persistent cookies to better understand usage patterns so we can improve the site for our customers. This information is anonymised – when we look at the data, in other words, we look at patterns, but we do not see individuals’ personally identified information (PII).

What other cookies might you encounter on Stockroom.com?

There are also limited third-party cookies on the site. These cookies could be session or persistent and are set by entities other than Stockroom.com. To ensure compliance with our policies, we restrict the use of third-party cookies to trusted partners of Stockroom.com.

Security concerns

Only the website that creates a cookie can read it, so other servers do not have access to your information. Additionally, web servers can use only information that you provide or choices that you make while visiting the website as content in cookies.

Accepting a cookie does not give a server access to your computer or any of your personal information (except for any information that you may have purposely given, as part of account or order creation). Also, it is not possible to execute code from a cookie.

How can I delete or disable cookies?

If you want to delete or disable cookies, see: www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies

Will the site work if I disable cookies?

You can browse Stockroom.com with cookies disabled, though some interactions may not work. For example, ticking the “Stay logged in” box at login will not actually keep you logged in to the site unless you have enabled cookies. Nor will you be able to add items to your shopping cart.

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